> What is the Visual C++ Toolkit 2003? > The Visual C++ Toolkit is a free edition of Microsoft’s professional Visual C++ > optimizing compiler and standard libraries ? the same optimizing compiler and > standard libraries that ship in Visual Studio .NET 2003 Professional! キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!! さよなら某ランド
Are there any restrictions on how I use the Visual C++ Toolkit?
In general, no. You may use the Toolkit to build C++ -based applications, and you may redistribute those applications. Please read the End User License Agreement (EULA), included with the Toolkit, for complete details.
一番下の、LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AND REMEDIES. Notwithstanding any damagesがどーのこーのだ。 上記したterrariumの日本語参考訳の一番下を見ると判るが、「仮令、大きな被害を受け手も、5$以上は 俺ら(Microsoft)は支払いませんよ」という話で、手数料がどーのこーのという話ではない。