255ですけども、DestroyWindowについて "The DestroyWindow function destroys the Windows window without destroying the object."(MSDNから)とあるんで、 DestroyWindowだけではインスタンスは消えないみたいですね。 これは、完全に消し去るにはfreeでしょうか、deleteでしょうか…。
while ((Score<22) && (Knowledge[Score]>0)) // Ask for hit if not busted, // or have not yet learned to stand on this score {cout<<"Hit me";cin>>Hit; Hit=rand()%11+1; cout<<" "<<Hit; Previous = Score; Score = Score + Hit; } cout<<endl; if (Score<22) Answer='y'; else Answer='n';
cout<<"I stand, 私は勝った? (y/n)"; cin>>Answer;
if (Answer == 'y') Knowledge[Previous]++;// Reward the machine else Knowledge[Previous]--; // Punish the machine } cout<<"My knowledge base contains the following numbers "<<endl; for (P=0;P<22;P++) cout<<"Cell "<<P<<" contains "<<Knowledge[P]<<endl; for (P=0;P<22;P++) cout<<Knowledge[P]<<" "; cout<<endl; }
>>460 >FOF_NOCONFIRMATION Respond with Yes to All for any dialog box that is displayed. >FOF_SILENT Does not display a progress dialog box. >FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS Displays a progress dialog box but does not show the file names.